HR Analytics

Understand the business scenario and problem The HR department at Salifort Motors wants to take some initiatives to improve employee satisfaction levels at the company. They collected data from employees, but now they don’t know what to do with it. They refer to you as a data analytics professional and ask you to provide data-driven suggestions based on your understanding of the data. They have the following question: what’s likely to make the employee leave the company?...

Kaggle Survey 2022. Part one.

Intro Hi! It’s been a while since I published anything. I’ve been moving a lot (7 countries this year and finally found home). I went on Kaggle to find some data that they published Kaggle Survey 2022. A lot of data, cool stuff if you interested in what’s going on with data science. So I decided to take a lot and find something interesting....

Specialty Coffee. Predicting quality with ML

All the code and data is here Project brief You are working for the company that buys coffee from the farmers and sells it to cafes. Every time they get beans they have to pay q-graders to grade the coffee so they can set better prices. Your manager has asked to develop the model that would predict the grade points without the need to hire graders....

Visualisation in R: Plotly. Part 1

Introduction R is a great tool for working with data. Data manipulation becomes a piece of cake and it has a lot to offer for story telling and visualisation. ggplot2 is a great package for static visuals and it works great for the majority of the data projects. That being said, there are situations when adding interactive plots can improve the story you are trying to tell with your analysis....

Reducing bike crashes in North Carolina

Project brief You have been working with the local government to help direct policy decisions. They are concerned about an increase in traffic accidents and think they may be able to make changes to reduce the severity of accidents that do occur. But they don’t know what the most important features are for defining the difference between severity of an accident. They would like you to investigate the data and see if it would be possible to find the factors that are most important....